Le Famished Cat

  • Make Mushroom Alfredo with Bio XXI Fettuccine
    Gluten Free,  Lifestyle,  Mains

    Make Mushroom Alfredo with Bio XXI Fettuccine

    Last week I attended the launch to celebrate the BIO XXI RANGE now being available in SA and I decided to use the Bio XXI Fettuccine I was gifted to make Mushroom Alfredo. Before we get into the recipe to Make Mushroom Alfredo with Bio XXI Fettuccine, here is some more info on this new brand that has just hit our shelves. Bio XXI hails from Coronilla, a Bolivian family-run company, internationally renowned for its exceptional eco-social business model and Quinoa-based, gluten-free foods. When they say family-owned, they mean family-owned and the founder Diego and his mom welcomed us to the launch and even got involved in the cooking process.…

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