Le Famished Cat

Hooray! Mother's Day NetFlorist Discount Code 1

Hooray! Mother’s Day NetFlorist Discount Code

Hooray, I have a Mother’s Day NetFlorist Discount Code that I wanted to share with you all because let’s face it – times are tough and there really is nothing better than brands giving back to us now and then.

Mother’s Day is on Sunday the 10th May and I know I need to get my mom something to say thank you for all she has done and continues to do for me.

Also, this lock-down has made me realise just how much I miss her when I don’t get to catch up on weekends over a cup of coffee.

What would I buy my mom with my NetFlorist Discount Code?

For my mom, the best gift I could ever buy here would be jewellery.

She is one of those people that can’t decide what jewellery to wear, so she wears all of it at once!

We always tease her about this, but honestly, it is one of the cutest things.

She doesn’t want anyone to be upset, so she wears all the jewellery we’ve bought her over the years all at once and ends up looking like a Christmas Tree.

Mother's Day Netflorist Discount Code

My second choice for my mom would be a handbag because, after jewellery, handbags are her weakness.

Sometimes she’s toting around a giant Mary Poppins bag and other times, she’s got an itsy bitsy clutch that nothing can fit inside.

We actually bought her a handbag for her birthday last year and she unpacked her old bag on the way home from the shops because she couldn’t wait till we got home.

Mother's Day Netflorist Code

NetFlorist Mother’s Day Gifts

Netflorist has really added so many different items to their online shop to suit any Mother’s tastes, so there really is no reason not to shop online for her.

Time for the Mother’s Day NetFlorist Discount Code!

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Hooray! Mother's Day NetFlorist Discount Code 7

Mother’s Day NetFlorist Discount Code

When checking out after selecting your Mother’s Day Gift on NetFlorist, use the voucher code MDAY2PR too get R100 off, which it’s valid for purchase orders before 5 May 2020. (minimum spend of R450 applies)

Please note that I have just been made aware that there are limited items available due to lockdown, such as fresh produce and groceries, bath and body products, winter clothing and stationery. (NetFlorist is awaiting to hear from the government if they can sell flowers and plants.)

This Mother’s Day, spoil her and shop here for Mother’s Day Gifts


This post was proudly sponsored by NetFlorist.

Hooray! Mother's Day NetFlorist Discount Code 9

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